Jay, from Cincinnati, Ohio is both a visual artist and musician. His most recent work have been primarily collage based, but he works in many mediums. He currently attends the Art Academy of Cincinnati.
"i was sleeping. but in my dream i could have sworn that i was awake. this was a feeling of a really vivid dream, it was almost like i was actually experiencing it. but there was no way that it could have possibly been experienced because it could have only been imagined in my own brain. i mean, i can come up with some pretty crazy shit on the spot while i'm awake, but once i'm asleep, it's up to my subconscious to make those decisions for me. in the meantime, while i'm trying to get myself to fall asleep, which can be rather difficult for me most of the time, i can see these intense visuals in the back of my eyeballs. they're distant from me at first, but come closer and they have all this sort of depth, filled with colors and patterns that would mind-fuck a normal person. but i'm already pretty mind-fucked, so they seem wonderful to me. once i'm drifting into my first stage of sleep, my body goes numb and i forget that i'm even there. then the next thing i remember i'm stuck in this land of swampy, fucked up looking, creatures. they are all moving around me in super slow motion. they moan out words that i can't even understand and appear to be gathering towards me. i'm immersed in a wave of drippy, gooey dudes who i can't shake off. for how slow they move, they sure do get a hold of me quickly. now i'm in this weird mansion, sort of like Luigi's Mansion...except instead of ghosts there are these goomped out weirdos who are waiting for me to move so that they can just engulf me in their dripping bodies. but i stand perfectly still, not moving a muscle. they're talking to me. i still can't understand them. i think they might be rejects of my imagination, or something like that. i've drawn these types of creatures before, but they never had this attitude in my drawings. my creations were ecstatic, happy to exist, and very beautiful creatures. but the ones in my dream had a different feel to them. i knew they were angry with me, but i had no idea why. they fucked me up. i was caught in a wave of alien-like monsters, their bodies were all so fluid, they moved together as one huge mound. i could feel their cold, wet, drippy skin flowing all around me. they really fucked me up. "